Friday, August 30, 2013

Aug 26 - 30 school review

We successfully made it through another week of school. It's week 7 for us. My youngest has learned about the letter E and we worked on his colors this week. The cutest and sweetest part of the week is when picked up his toddler Bible and said, "Read to me about Jacob and Esau, mommy."  That was our story from last week but apparently he liked that one.

My daughter finished up Unit 5 and started Unit 6 of Little Hearts for His Glory. She has been learning about Moses and we found a cute song on You Tube called The Ten Commandments Boogie by Go Fish that we really enjoyed this week. We are currently reading the Thornton W. Burgess books for story time as recommended by her guide book. We finished up the first one called The Adventures of Reddy Fox and started The Adventures of Peter Cottontail. She was surprised to have the same characters from the first book in the second and couldn't figure out how that happened. That was cute. She is also moving right along with her reading and is doing really good. 

My oldest finished up Unit 4 in Preparing Hearts for His Glory and started on Unit 5. He is learning about Egyptian Civilization. In English, he wrote another narrative about his trip to the water park and typed it up. He is also learning about the Desert in Science. He made a cactus out of play dough and toothpicks this week. His birthday was Sunday so we celebrated his birthday this week too. He's 9 years old now. 

We've had another good week, but glad it's Friday and ready for our long weekend. Football is still going well for our oldest and my daughter has started back in Gymnastics. 

Playing with his bugs, placing them on the correct color

Cactus made out of play dough

Working hard

His Birthday present


Showing off his work

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday's Big Adventure

Sunday was my son's birthday. He decided this year instead of a party, he'd like to go to a water park. He'd never been before. We drove to a water park that was about 1 1/2 hours from our home. We had a great time. As an added bonus, we ran into some friends there so my son and his friend had a good time playing together at the park. It started to storm while we were there and they shut down everything but lucky for us, it didn't get too bad and they opened everything back up after about 45 minutes and we were able to get back in the water. We arrived at the park at 10:30 a.m. when they opened and left about 5:30 p.m. Now, let me add a disclaimer in before I continue with my story. A.I have no sense of direction. B. I was very tired and C. I have no sense of direction. I do fine in the city I live in and neighboring cities where I am familiar, but if I get outside my comfort zone, I need a GPS. Now, with that being said, I used my GPS on my phone to get us to the park and we had no problems. I reset my GPS on my phone as we were headed out of the parking lot to go home. Once we got on the road I needed to be on, I said to my son, "I'll turn the GPS off and save my battery, I can get us home from here." He knows me well, because he said "Are you sure?" I said, "Sure, I'll just follow the signs home." Well all was going well, but we were really thirsty from the water park and refused to spend anymore money on their ridiculously priced drinks, so we stopped at a gas station to get a drink. As we were pulling out of the gas station, I said to my son, "Do you remember which way we came from?" He replied, "No, do you?" I said very confidently, "Yes, I'm sure we came from that way, so we'll get on right here." As soon I pulled on the ramp, I knew it was the wrong way. I said, "Oh no, this is wrong, but no big deal, we'll pull off and turn around at the next exit." We saw the sign that said waterpark, next exit, so we followed it because that's where we came from before. It wasn't an actual exit but another interstate. I didn't go all the way back to the waterpark, just turned around at the next exit and got back onto the interstate. Now, what I didn't do is realize that I still needed to get back onto the other road I had been on before, so when I turned around, I never got back on the correct one. My husband called to see where we were. It wasn't until then that I realized I hadn't really been paying attention. My son and I had been talking about the day and we were listening to the radio and I really didn't know where I was, so we looked for a sign. It was then that I realized, I wasn't going the right way. Panic set in. I pulled the car over, turned on my GPS and realized I was way out of the way. I went 20 miles down the wrong road. I was furious with myself for not paying more attention. I was so tired and just wanted to click my heals like Dorothy and get home. "There's no place like home, there's no place like home." I called my husband back to tell him of my horrible mistake. Not only I had gone the wrong way once, but twice. Once we got back on the road with my GPS, who I call Betty, we were smooth sailing. It took us quite a long time to get home with our little detour. We were both so happy to be home. On the bright side though, we had a good time in the car together jamming to the radio and talking. Am I the only one that is directionally challenged? 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 6

Well we completed week 6 today. For my youngest, it was a review week. I was so excited to hear him identify the letter A and B to me and tell me what sound they make. He has learned A-D so far and no he doesn't get them all right every time but he is really learning so much. Even though he makes our day go a little slower with his tantrums, coloring on walls, potty accidents, etc. It's so very rewarding to see him learning and the excitement in his eyes when he gets it right and he never lets a school day go by without reading his truck book and monkey book. 

The "Princess" is still doing great on her phonics and I hope it continues to go well. She will try and read her second H.O.P. book on Monday and I think she'll do fine. Sometimes the b and the d's are a bit confusing to her but she'll get it. She also learned about the clouds this week, what they're made of and how it rains. She enjoyed going outside and looking at the clouds to determine if they were rain clouds or not. 

My oldest son has never been a "school" person, which is partly why we homeschool so he's really starting to feel, we've been going at it for 6 weeks. However, I like to remind him, it could be worse, he could be back in a classroom, and he peps right up. I try and keep it fun as I can for him. He doesn't enjoy writing unless it's something that really interests him. This week in Language Arts, we worked on writing a personal narrative. He wrote one about our hamsters and he really enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, he wrote a whole page and was so proud of what and how much he wrote he had to go show it off to his sister. I think that's great! 

Wednesday, we did our school work and then headed to park day with our local homeschool group. The kids had a blast playing with the other kids at the park. Then we had a picnic and played in the splash pad for a while. All in all, it's been a great week. 

Working on a shape puzzle


Painting the letter D 

Adding glitter


Making a bird

Can you see the excitement? 

Working on his personal narrative


Making a map out of clay 

Out for a walk

Out for a walk

Park Day
Park Day

Park Day

Park Day

Splash Pad

Splash Pad

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fun Night with my son

Sometimes having more than 1 child, it's hard to give everyone equal 1 on 1 time. We started doing Mommy/child nights or Daddy/child nights a while back but then stopped due to our busy lives. This month we've started back. Each month, one child gets 1 on 1 time with 1 parent and they get to go out and do something fun. Last week, my oldest son and I went out for our night. We had a great time, we went bowling, to Bass Pro Shop and out for frozen yogurt. Here are some pictures from our night. This week, my daughter gets to go out with Daddy and next week I'll take my youngest son out. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 5

We completed week 5 today! My youngest son, 2 years old, has been learning about Isaac and His Sons. He has impressed me with all he's learning. He kept grabbing his children's Bible this week, talking about Jacob and Esau. This morning, he was even pretending to read about them. Very cute! He also learned about the letter D this week. 

My Kindergartner has been busy working on math and phonics as well as listening to stories from The Adventures of Reddy Fox. We are using Hooked on Phonics with Explode the Code workbooks for reading/phonics. This week, she read her first H.O.P. book. She did great and was so proud. 

My oldest, who is in 4th grade, has learned about the Ice Age and the people that lived during that time. On a side note from school, he is also super excited to be starting football. 

Wednesday, we had a field trip to a bouncy fun place. We enjoyed our time with our cousins playing, even though it rained that day.Unfortunately, I didn't get any good pictures because no one was still enough.  

More coloring
Gluing macaroni on the letter D
Of course, then he decided that he needed to clean up after himself and he took each piece of macaroni off and wiped all the glue off his paper. His page was blank by the end. 
All this learning makes a guy thirsty LOL

This kid has a thing about markers. I'm not even sure where he finds them. This is what I found when I walked in the schoolroom the other morning. Luckily, the covers all came clean and he only colored in the pages of one book.

Playing with Baby Moses

More reading
Working on Cave Art
Reading the devotion for the morning
Science Experiment
Reading to little brother

Ready for his first day of football

Fun in the backyard while we caught a break from the rain