Saturday, April 20, 2013


So, as many of you know, we are a homeschooling family. This is our first year and I have to say I really enjoy it. Sure, we’ve had our moments where I wonder what I was thinking, but I actually really do love it. A lot of people ask me what made me decide to start homeschooling. Well, the main reason was I felt God telling me to do so. You see, my oldest has never been a boy who liked school as I’m sure most boys are. He absolutely hated school. I talked with his teachers and they all said that he was fine while he was there. He had lots of friends. He just didn’t like it. One problem we did have was that he was not completing his work. This often went unnoticed since he wasn’t a problem child; he simply would just sit there quietly. I don’t exactly remember what first brought homeschooling to my mind, but I began to really pray about what to do. Homeschooling just kept coming up. Everywhere I turned. I would pray “God, please show me what you want me to do, show me if you want me to homeschool.” I would turn on the TV and someone would say something about homeschool. We watched one night and it talked about homeschooling. I would read something online and would see more homeschool stuff. Literally, it was everywhere. I said, “Ok God, you want me to homeschool, I get it.” He couldn’t have made it more clear to me, which is what I needed. I was torn at first, I was afraid of what people would think of me if I homeschooled or that I would totally lose all free time I had. I was being very selfish. I finally got the courage to tell my husband what I was thinking, knowing he was going to shut me down. So I was ready to tell him all the benefits of it. I told him one night as were getting ready to go to bed and he said, “I think that’s a good idea, do you think you can handle it?” Wow, not the answer I expected but liked it so much better. I knew 100% that this was totally a “God thing with God’s timing”. You see, I actually thought about homeschooling my oldest son when he was just getting ready to start preschool. I knew several people who did it and I liked how involved I would get to be with his academics instead of sending him off to school. However, my husband didn’t want me to and I began to doubt my ability. After all, I had a newborn baby at home as well. So, I closed that door and didn’t think anything about it again. I sent him to preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade & 2nd grade before God told me to bring him home. Now, nothing was wrong with the preschool or the school system we were in. We loved all our teachers and had great ones! But I’m so glad that I decided to follow God’s plan and homeschool. I know homeschooling is not for everyone but if you are on the fence about deciding if you should, you definitely should. You won’t regret it. I don’t. This year we are doing third grade with my oldest and preschool with my daughter. My youngest is only 2 and he hangs around in the school room with us until naptime. He’s learning a lot as well. He can count, knows his alphabet, pledge of alliance and the God our father prayer for lunch time. You’d be surprised at how much they pick up on at that age. I look forward to the many years ahead of us as we continue our homeschool journey. 

                                                  Our First Day of Homeschool

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! It is very encouraging. I hope it contiues to go well for you. I may have to come watch y'all do school one day so I can just see what it's like. :)
