Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's been a while!

It's been a while since I've blogged, but we are still here. We have 15 days of school left until our summer break and even though we're home schoolers, we're counting down the days! We've enjoyed our school days as well as a few field trips thrown in. We've also been busy with our everyday activities including swim lessons and soccer. 

I have a bit of a funny story. It may be a more of a "You had to be there" story, but I'll share anyways. Today, while my oldest and I were doing English class, we were discussing prepositions. I told him, that if he was having trouble figuring out which one was the preposition, break the sentence down finding the subject, verb, and so forth and then whatever was left was most likely the preposition. So, we get to a sentence that he was struggling with and he said "Can I break it down?" I said, "sure" and then I began to dance and he looked at me and said "What was that?" I said, "You said, break it down." Well, he gave me the craziest look and then we both couldn't stop laughing. It really was funny. I guess you had to be there! :-)

I hope you enjoy our pictures!

My little man keeping busy and quiet :-) 
These are the normal distractions we deal with :-)
but he sure is cute!
I saw this on a friend's Facebook page and thought this fit him perfectly

My nephew joined us for school one day. He was so excited!

My little princess finishing up her horse picture
She finished the last book of Hooked on Phonics.
Ready to start the 1st grade level now. Woo Hoo!

Hard to tell from the picture what exactly he's doing, but
he built a boat out of aluminum foil and cardboard for a project and he is sailing it in the bathtub. 
Working on his timeline cards for History




Field trip to the Zoo

Water Festival Field Trip

Water Festival Field Trip
His report card for swim lessons

Our soccer team

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