Monday, October 14, 2013

What has J-Man gotten into today?

If you see my posts on Facebook, you know that I have a very curious, into everything, 2 year old. I love him to death, but he constantly keeps my on my toes. Anytime you turn your back or take your eyes off of him for a second, he gets himself into trouble. Like the time he poured baby powder all over his room, or the time he emptied the wipes container one by one and placed them all over the floor. What about the time he climbed up on the counter to get a cup out of the cabinet. Well today's post for "What has J-Man gotten into today?" is he sprayed Febreeze all over the floor. (Because this is a blog for all to see, I've chosen not to use my children's actual names, so they will be referred to with nicknames)

I was in my room getting ready. I was in the bathroom straightening my hair and putting on my makeup when I noticed that J-Man was very quiet. This is highly unusual and actually only happens when he's doing something he's not supposed to. However, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, also called denial and decided he was probably just playing, and I was enjoying the quiet. Shortly after my thought, he came walking into the bedroom so I thought ok, he's good. Until he said to me "Look Mom, I'm spraying." I said, "Ok, buddy,......wait, what are you spraying?" He held up a bottle of Febreeze and said "Dis." I thought to myself this can't be good. I said, "Oh no buddy, we don't need to be spraying that, where did you get that?" He took off running into the next room and then starting crying. I run to see why he's crying and he has fallen on the wet, slippery, Febreeze soaked floor. Yes, it was everywhere. Apparently, he'd been spraying the entire 10 minutes I was in my room because the bottle was empty and the floor was extremely wet. I said, "J-Man, why did you do this?" His response was priceless..... "Because I pooted." Wow, it must have been bad. As I'm cleaning up the Febreeze off the floor, he says "I sprayed my toys in my room too." Oh joy! 

Well our house smells wonderful now, haha. Kids, gotta love 'em!

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